Often make love cure kidney stones. A study conducted in Turkey claimed thatmaking love at least three to four times a week can help removing kidney stones fromthe body of the sufferer. Research published in the journal of Urology found that most do not kidney stonesthe size of less than 5 mm out of the body at 83 percent of patients after they increase the activity of making love.
Researchers from the Clinic of Ankara Training and Research Hospital in Ankara,Turkey divided the 75 patients kidney stones into three groups.
The first group were asked to perform sexual intercourse at least three to four times aweek. The second group is asked to consume the drug tamsulosin, and the thirdgroup get standard medical care for patients with kidney stones. Tamsulosin is a drugcommonly used to Kidney stone sufferers often urinate.
Two weeks later, the researchers found 26 to 31 patients from the first group couldpull out his kidney stones. Meanwhile only 10 to 21 patients of the second groupcould issue the kidney stones.
And from a group of patients who received standard care, there are only eight of the 23 patients who could issue the kidney stones. The average size of kidney stones is 4.7 millimeters.
"The results of this experiment indicate that patients who had kidney stones andsexual partners are advised to have sex three to four times a week to raise the possibility of the discharge of a kidney stone," said Omer Doluoglu, head of theGohhan researchers, to DailyMail.
Although the researchers acknowledge that the discharge of a kidney stone that is part and parcel of sexual activity and the heart, they have yet to formally advise thepatients to make love so that kidney stones out of the body.
"Scientists estimate that nitric oxide released during the time of erection andintercourse may affect kidney stones, urethral muscles causing loosens. At this stage,before a more complete scientific data collected, we can't possibly give advice like thisKidney stone disease to patients, "said Dr. Anurag Khaitan, a consultant urologist atParas Hospital, Gurgaon, India, Times of India was quoted as saying.
Meanwhile Dr. Sanjay S Nabar, a consultant in urology and Andrology from NanavatiSuper Specialty Hospital, Mumbai, commenting on the results of research that Turkeycounterparts by saying that the possible effects of nitric oxide (a gas that is naturallyproduced by the body) issued when erections make the sagging muscles of the urethra. However, it takes more clinical trial further so that it could be used in the medical world
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