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Showing posts from November 1, 2015

Pearl of wisdom Islamic words

Among the signs of human arrogance one is unwilling to accept advice from others.Seeming himself always correct and do not need a moral and spiritual support frompeople around him. Of course we do not want to include people like that isn't it?.Motivating this time will present the Pearl of wisdom Islamic words touched my heart that inshallah is suitable and it stuck in the hearts of all the brothers. Among the signs someone is following nawa lust is hasten do amaliyah-amaliyah sunnah but lazy to enforce that is mandatory. If only as an oral, out of just going up to the ears. However, if that comes out from the heart will undoubtedly get to heart. The real truth can become weak because of discord and disunity on the contrary can be strong with unity and cohesiveness. The greeting is not accepted without works, there will be a straight (correct) speech and deeds without intention, and not straight (correct) words

Charging Voltage too high

Do charge mobile phones is indeed required for owners of mobile phones to ensureintake of the power so that the phone can always be active and do a performance as expected. But there is only the resistance of some users would like to do whencharging on a smartphone. One example when there is a warning on the screen of a mobile phone which States ' charging Voltage too high '. Then what should you do?do keep doing charge with these resources or replace with another. Why the warninghas occurred as shown in the example image below? The warning on the screen of a mobile phone that stated that the charging voltagetoo high is indeed a special features embedded android system where sensor orhardware that is tangent to the function filter detects a voltage current power is notas it should be. General warnings about the voltage too high due to the presence of damage to thecircuit or component tool charge cell phones. Where is the output voltage by thecharge source dongle too bi...