10 things required in the vehicle. Bad traffic conditions frequently make you and your family spend so much time on the road. Therefore you need to pay attention to important items that must be available on the car.
1. First aid box on accident (first aid). Readers Digest, alerts you of its contents include:
- Such a protective mask and gloves
- Cleaners such as alcohol or an antiseptic cream to cleanse wounds and reduce the risk of infection
- Muslin
- Bandages
- Pain reliever
- Antibiotics in anticipation of further symptoms due to injuries
- Rock candy or mints to increase sugar levels in order not to limp
- Iodine is to control the growth of bacteria
2. Know some first aid action on such accidents are written doktersehat.com.
3. Clothes locker. Prepare a set of clothing for each Member of the family. Superiors,subordinates, underwear, socks, too. Unless you have a baby and a toddler who usually have special bag while traveling.
4. Water. Try not the bottled mineral water. But you keep drinking water in bottles.Here's how to choose a safe drinking bottles.
5. Munchies. Biscuits, protein snack bars, or other family favorites. Quite helpful whenstuck the jam for quite a while, especially when hours of eating. Make sure the packaging is tightly closed so that they cannot invite ants or cause the munchies sounsavoury be eaten.
6. Money. Insert the money in several separate parts in the car. No need to be up tomillions of dollars, to taste only for emergency purposes. Ready also a dime.
7. Flashlight. You will not know when the need it. It would be better if it is always on hand.
8. charger cell phones. This object is already owned by public users of smart phones. If you don't already have it, please buy it and save it in the car.
9. Blankets and towels are small. As with clothing, two objects, this could be a lifesaverwhen the emergency. For a towel, you can select which made from microfiber, a more practical because of the dry fast.
10. Other objects also need to make available in a car of which as reported by Lifehackeris the Jack cable and jumper.
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