If there is best then fine is not enough. There are rich, some poor. There are successful, some fail.Some are happy, some are gross. There are always excited, there are sadly full of tears.All that context at least surely we have ever tasted. It's just that, perhaps simply applied. However, sometimes, there is also the time a person was in "middle layer".Some say the context as the grey area, which is between black and white. That is,actually all is never absolute. Depending on our point of view, about to interpret whatconditions we are experiencing at the moment.
But it turns out that behind all the predicate and the sense that happened, actually ifwe think more deeply personal, each must have at least one thing so it's main strength. Some are calling it "the call of the heart", some call it a "keys to success", some call it a "lantern of the soul". Maybe in life does not
Everyone finds it. But at least, if you want even more in the life history of each person,each person would almost certainly have it. What is his form of devotion in whatever he does, whether the proud, or just plain pleasure menolongorang. Its shape can be different. In fact, it could be a lot of people have actually found it, but haven't found itas the most important part of his life.
That is, there is probably why until the legend founder Apple Steve Jobs once said,"discover the call of your soul. If you have not found, keep looking, because that could be the search process forever. "
Related to such matters, there is an expression of the Sage, "If someone doesn't do something with good and true, then that person is simply not going to get anything."If you don't do everything according call of the heart, can so it will only work somediocre.
For example learning, let us refer to the story below
One day, in an empire, there is a race of freezing. On the last day of the race as the winner, there were two sculptors as "finalists". Both have an almost equal ability. They could have reached the Summit because it produces the best works among othersculptors.
On the day of the Summit, the King will announce who the people are that are considered the most beautiful of his work. To that end, the two are given one full week to produce works best.
Both rose to hunt that will be carved into beautiful sculptures. The first sculptors as usual, because it felt it was highly skilled, just haphazardly chose the stone. He thought, his ability mematunglah that define the beauty of his images. In contrast, thesecond sculptor, even spend half a day longer to find the best stones will dipahatnyaso beautiful sculptures.
Up to one week of time, both managed to create a statue of the fleeting beauty ofsame. The King any confusion to determine who will be the winner. However, after looking in more detail, the King decided to give the best sculptor predicates on asecond sculptor. Because as it turns out, from the first, there is the stone statue of thecrack so that slightly reduce the beauty.
The first sculptors can only regret the keteledorannya so that it cannot be so winners.Shortly after the race, his name even immediately forgotten people. Because, the onlymajor winner whose names continue to be hailed.
The story is a little different picture, could make the first sculptor so the "medium" which again so normal people. While the second sculptor so winning he becamesuccessful people whose name is always remembered. All of that thanks to the loveand it's to give you something more. With the call of his soul to seek the best stone, he managed to become successful people is incredible.
The first sculptor in accordance with a phrase that I mentioned earlier in this paper.Notability is "defeated" by keteledorannya because it has yet to provide the best in allaspects ".
So did we. Many of us feel have done a lot of things. Already doing the task given.But, unwittingly, have not done the maximum in the field we call heart muchappropriate. In fact, if we want a little bit of sacrifice — work harder, go the extra mile, providing more power, concentrate more, give more value at work — the result couldbe very different. The second is a sculptor that often people I mentioned: if better ispossible, good is not enough!
Source of motivation: andriewongso
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