Toxin is one killer tool that is still widely used. Generally, the poison used to kill the victim without his knowledge. Toxins are a killer that leaves no physical injuries, but damage to organs in the body. There are 2 kinds of poisons itself by its maker bahn, the natural and the artificial. Natural toxins widely used because it is easy to get. The following types of poison.
1. Hemlock
Or conium hemlock is highly poisonous flowering plant that grows in Europe and South Africa. This plant is a popular poison that the ancient Greeks used against prisoners. For adults, swallow or about 8 100mg conium leaves enough to cripple your body. The most famous is the poisoning death of the Greek philosophers in the year 399 BC, he was given a concentrated infusion with hemlock.
2. Aconite
Aconite from monkshood plant. Also known as wolfsbane, enough leaf of this plant and will make the victim suffer heart failure and sudden meinggal. Toxins in order to work, this plant does not need to be swallowed, but only through the touch of the leaves can create toxins enter the body through the pores of the skin. Because it is not tracked, many murders are using the media leaves.
This beautiful plant may not look like poison because of its shape resembling a sort of ornamental plants. The Italian plant is used as a kind cosmetic blusher which is harmless to skin. But if ten inedible fruit of this plant, it will cause death.
Arsenic has the nickname "The king of poisons" berdasaran nature that are not easily detected by the toxic content checker advanced tools. Arsenic will dissolve in water without changing the color of the water is dissolving. Generally, used arsenic to poison Orban through drink water or other media. Although dangerous, these toxins can be created as a cosmetic ingredient.
This substance is found in two sea creatures, blue-ringed octopus and puffer fish. However, the octopus is the most dangerous, because it deliberately sprayed poison through ink that can kill in a matter of minutes. One spray poison of this animal is able to knock out 26 adult humans within minutes. While in the puffer fish, the toxins contained in the spines around his body as bloated.
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