How many times have you managed to swat a fly with a hand? Difficult is not it? The secret behind this capability is now known explanation. For the past 20 years researching the biomechanics of fly wings, Michael Dickinson of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) recently broke now. That, too, because she was always curious about the simple question and often asked many people he had met.
"Now I have the answer," said Dickinson who conducted the study with Esther M and M Abe Zarem. He discovered the secret maneuvers after recording a number of threatened blow flies using a digital camera that can record the speed and resolution tinggi.Mereka found that flies can identify threats based on location. Otanya will calculate how much a threat to them before deciding to flap its wings and fled.
After predicting the direction of the threat, foot rests to fly in the opposite direction. All the preparation can be done to escape very quickly, just 100 milliseconds after it detects a hazard.
"It shows how quickly the fly brain process sensory information into an appropriate response to the movement," said Dickinson. In fact, flies arrange appropriate posture of the threat.
That is, the flies have integrated well between visual information from the eye and metasensorik information on his feet. These findings provide clues on the fly nervous system in the brain and suggests that there is a threat positioning system mapping.
"This is a transformation of stimuli into a bit of a complex movement and subsequent research for parts of the brain that govern it," he said.
Of the system, Dickinson also can suggest the most effective way of swatting flies. According to him, the best time swatting flies when its position is not ready to fly to the time he needs to anticipate the threat is relatively longer. Certainly not easily perform accurate movements of less than 100 milliseconds.
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