Cucumber helps lightens the skin's oil and controls. The cucumber is one of theubiquitous plant market. Cucumbers have a fairly high moisture content, also providesa cool effect when consumed. Vitamin A, B, C, and minerals made this fruit became one of the ingredients used in beauty products. Here are some benefits of cucumberfor beauty:
Brighten skin
For those of you who want the bright skin shine and looks younger, cucumbers could be one solution. Make a mask with cucumber juice mixture and lemon's feelings and then apply all over the face and neck for 15 minutes.
Cucumber can overcome the dull skin due to dehydration. Combine cucumber with yogurt to make skin more moisturized. If in addition, cucumber mixed with gelatin can also be useful for those of you who have dry skin.
Skin burn
Frequent sunbathing or activity outdoors definitely never experienced burning skin.Cucumber can be used to address them, as well as for uneven skin color and has ascar. Can you make a cucumber juice and then mixed with Aloe Vera. Apply on skinproblems and you will feel fresh and cold effect on the skin.
Control oil and acne
Cucumbers contain antioxidants and can address the inflammation on the skin. Use a mask cucumber mixed with turmeric and lemon will control the production of excess oil.
Shiny healthy hair
Who does not want to have healthy shiny hair? Try drinking a juice cucumber orcucumber juice uses to rinse your hair. The content of potassium, calcium, and sulfuris very important for healthy hair growth.
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