How to fix mobile phones failed to charge. Some users of android or other mobile phones certainly have experienced problems when conduct charge HP. Under certain circumstances your mobile phone fails to do charge or even can not charge at all.Then what should be done and what the causes of your mobile phone can notdicharge? check out his review below.
Charging multiple devices to the mobile phone that works like a device that is incurrent source (the tool charge) and devices or components that are on the phoneitself. When the Phone ddalam Normal circumstances of course charge Tool that should be used as the destination pebaikan or even replaced with a normal charge.But when the charge under normal circumstances and can do a charge against other mobile phone of course that should be of concern and sought the cause in part where the currents do not enter and solve problems.
For users who don't know anything about the laity about the circuits and electricalcomponents are of course extremely dangerous make improvements against theexisting components in mobile phones. Here I am not going to discuss about how toinstall and uninstall the service component of HP but it will explain the sequence(troubleshooting) troubleshooting if the phone can not charging.
What to do and in check when mobile phones can not charging but the charge under normal circumstances/breakdown, here are some problems that you can do.
1. Please phone the battery Off for a moment, a little over a minute. after that plug it back in and try to do a charge. Generally the way it could overcome the problem ofcharging that failed not because of damage caused by a component of HP.
2. If the above does not solve the problem, then try charging replace battery withanother battery. Replace the battery here doesn't mean you have to buy a new one,Borrow the battery from the cell phone of its kind from friends or relatives.
3. If after trying to replace the batteries of mobile phones still can not charging thenthe next step is checked against the charging socket. Generally one of the legs of the charging socket, bent or broken. For this third way I assume you could do ademolition or checking components of mobile phones. When it could not and shouldnot sure submit it all at a service center or a person who is already experienced.
4. when the charging socket is good, battery is also not problematic and the source ofthe charge is also not problematic then the last step is of course the suspect is on the charging components, could convict, the diode or other components that are directly related to the influx of resources that could be a problem. For this last way shouldpass on the expert.
Of some sequence of troubleshooting Phone cannot dicharge above hopefully can help who is having a problem charging at gadgetnya. May be useful.
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