Do charge mobile phones is indeed required for owners of mobile phones to ensureintake of the power so that the phone can always be active and do a performance as expected. But there is only the resistance of some users would like to do whencharging on a smartphone. One example when there is a warning on the screen of a mobile phone which States ' charging Voltage too high '. Then what should you do?do keep doing charge with these resources or replace with another. Why the warninghas occurred as shown in the example image below?
The warning on the screen of a mobile phone that stated that the charging voltagetoo high is indeed a special features embedded android system where sensor orhardware that is tangent to the function filter detects a voltage current power is notas it should be.
General warnings about the voltage too high due to the presence of damage to thecircuit or component tool charge cell phones. Where is the output voltage by thecharge source dongle too big and reach a limit that cannot be tolerated by the hardware of the phone.
If the charge is still done so risks can be experienced by a mobile phone is a mobile phone component damage, damage to the battery until the phone died. Although in some cases the process of charge in excess voltage conditions can still be tolerated byphone but not in the long period also affected the phone will tersasa. Remember, the risk of explosions that you do not imagine beforehand may be experienced by mobile's favorite buddy is all.
So what should we do when want to do the charging but on screen there is writingthe warning ' the charging Voltage too high '? Immediately switch the appliancecharge than the beloved cell phone will become a victim of action try just want to do the charging. Be careful with electricity certainly is better although the slightestgenerated voltage, because the slightest carelessness can cause explosions on the components of your mobile phone. Hopefully the above reviews helpful.
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