Cafe first tablet in the world has been operating in the Senegalese capital, Dakar, said one of the directors of Google, Tidiane Deme. As the name implies, this shop provides internet access, not the PC (Personal Computer) but with a tablet computer.
"This is the first tablet in the world cafe, the cafe is almost fully provide for the pegunjung tablet," said Deme told AFP news agency.
Tablette Cafe in Senegal this is the fruit of cooperation between Google and local businesses Medoune Seck.
He is not a new player in the internet services. Six years ago he set up internet cafes Equinoxe, but the effort is often plagued with power outages and high bills.
Popularized again cafe
This situation makes Seck and also the customers dizzy. Tablet computers are considered to be the ideal solution for power used is much smaller than most PCs.
Tablet PC is also considered not as vulnerable as when a blackout because these tools use batteries. It is also more practical for internet connection using the data from the mobile phone company.
Seck provides 15 tablets for the visitors with a rate of about 80 cents per hour. Once finished tablet used will be reset so that all the user's important data erased. Seck said the tablet will popularize African cafe.
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